Δευτέρα, 29 Απριλίου, 2024

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Limassol Today - Asset 10
ΑΡΧΙΚΗL-AMBASSADORSCivil Society & Civic Engagement for Better Governance

Civil Society & Civic Engagement for Better Governance

The term ‘civil society’ has been mainly used in voluntary and non-profit settings, usually operating outside of government control whereas civic activities are more included in a narrative of individual and social responsibility, civic engagement as in the development of a stronger people’s co-responsibility in any economy and society. These two notions could lead us to hours of never-ending academic debate but this is not that sort of stage. The point, here, is to simplify and to get something done.

Let’s focus on what can be done in an urban society like Limassol in 2024.  A few examples of civil society activities aimed at improving the quality of life for all residents are:

  • Neighbourhood Associations: groups of residents who come together to address community issues and promote social cohesion. These groups can be instrumental in advocating for local policies, organizing events, and building relationships with local officials.
  • Public Art Projects: such as murals, sculptures, and installations, can play an important role in promoting civic pride, beautifying public spaces, and fostering a sense of community identity.
  • Volunteer Organizations: groups of individuals who come together to donate their time and skills to support a particular cause or community need. In an urban context, volunteer organizations might focus on issues such as homelessness, education, or environmental sustainability.
  • Neighbourhood Watch Programs: Neighbourhood watch programs could be established to encourage residents to look out for one another and report suspicious activity to local authorities.
  • Community Gardens: In many urban areas, community gardens have emerged as a way to promote healthy eating, social interaction, and environmental sustainability. Through these gardens, residents can grow fresh produce, build relationships with neighbours, and beautify their neighbourhoods.

Most of these options to engage exist already in Limassol with significant input into the urban economy. The past two decades have shown us multiple charity events, efficient programs for ‘neighbourhood watching’, and a genuine volunteer movement from many local associations. Nevertheless, many more actions are needed, more contributors, and more open dialogue between citizens and policymakers.

Regardless of the specific form it takes, civic society is essential for promoting social cohesion, democratic participation and direct access to decision-making. Limassol could also experiment with inspirations coming from other European cities with proven benefits. For example, in Lisbon since 1974, during the Carnation Revolution, after 48 years of dictatorship, each ‘Comissao de Moradores’ (i.e. Neighbourhood Association) became an effective link between the citizens and its local government, offering every individual real access to each decision affecting their/our daily lives in their/our ‘Bairro’ (i.e. Neighbourhood), with weekly gatherings. Plus the opportunity to get to know your neighbours face to face. A true success story.

Limassol has been for decades a setting for many private companies (local and foreign) to contribute back to the society that provides the skilled labour force they need to be successful and a safe environment for their/our children to grow up without fear, crime, or pollution.

Since the arrival of European shipping companies in the 1990s, we have seen systematic new initiatives towards the community, such as Beach Clean-ups, Blood Donations, Tree Plantation…and other ideas.  

Are all citizens aware of what is being done by the internationals working in these companies? Is the communication happening in both directions? Are foreign companies aware of the urgent needs of locals? Let us open here a channel of communication. Email us if you have a constructive suggestion ([email protected]).

In 2024 the needs are more urgent than ever because the influx of new citizens to our Limassol has multiplied… like it could have happened in any of our cities back in our countries, the existing structures and the local authorities are overwhelmed.

We already have communities and associations that have given very useful demonstrations of what can be done when the vision of the organisation goes beyond their own profits and shares their employees’ time and energy with the local community that welcomed them. Konstantin Gimazov at GDEV [a Corporation in NASDAQ with headquarters in Limassol] has shared with us in our Podcast Series some of their positive impact projects.

We will soon share a calendar for initiatives from the private sector in Limassol. The old days when we, citizens, awaited everything from the central government are gone. European cities bring everyday samples of the positive collaboration between institutional entities and active citizens. Limassol has been in constant evolution in terms of citizen engagement. The input of internationals coming from other urban settings, in some cases former residents of bigger cities than Limassol, has become a very visible positive impact when we look closer at what is happening in certain areas of Limassol.

Do not miss the next episodes of Limassol Ambassadors  … and our weekly stories on this page.

By promoting community involvement and social cohesion, civic society initiatives can help the community to improve the quality of life for all residents of the city. Despite these positive developments, challenges remain in building a more robust and effective civil society in Limassol. One major issue is the need to ensure that all citizens have equal access to opportunities for civic engagement and participation. To help in this direction our next article is about HOW TO become an active citizen in Limassol TODAY.

Civil society will play an important role in the future of Limassol but it cannot replace the responsibility of governmental bodies and strong private sector players in keeping a balance that benefits all residents.  As active citizens, we can be part of the solutions and support those who are willing to build reliable partnerships with sustainable outcomes.

Keep posted …

We will be sharing via  LimassolToday.com and L-Air Uncut some inspiring stories about non-Cypriots who are true solid components of Limassol today in 2024 and Limassol Ambassadors at heart.

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